论文标题 | 全部作者 | 期刊 |
Direct and indirect information system use: A multimethod exploration of social power antecedents in healthcare | 童昱, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Hock-Hai Teo | Information Systems Research |
Sunny, rainy, and cloudy with a chance of mobile promotion effectiveness | LI Chenxi, LUO Xueming, ZHANG Cheng, 王小毅 | Marketing Science |
Dread of uncertain pain: An event-related potential study | HUANG Yujing, SHANG Qian, DAI Shenyi, 马庆国 | PLOS ONE |
Gender difference in spontaneous deception: A hyperscanning study using functional near-infrared spectroscopy | 张明明, 刘涛, Matthew Pelowski, 禹东川 | Scientific Reports |
Hello handsome! Male"s facial attractiveness gives rise to female"s fairness bias in Ultimatum Game scenarios-An ERP study | 马庆国, QIAN Da , HU Linfeng, 汪蕾 | PLOS ONE |
Identity reconstruction and post-colonialism | 王亮, Rob Law | Annals of Tourism Research |
Inter-brain network underlying turn-based cooperation and competition: A hyperscanning study using near-infrared spectroscopy | 刘涛, Godai Saito, LIN Chenhui, Hirofumi Saito | Scientific Reports |
Invention or incremental improvement? Simulation modeling and empirical testing of firm patenting behavior under performance aspiration | 郭斌, DING Peng | Decision Support Systems |
Managing retail shelf and backroom inventories when demand depends on the shelf-stock level | XUE Weili, Ozgun Caliskan Demirag, Frank Y.Chen, 杨翼 | Production and Operations Management |
Myopic analysis for multi-echelon inventory systems with batch ordering and nonstationary/time-correlated demands | 杨翼, YU Yimin, HUANG Tingliang | Production and Operations Management |
Neural process of the preference cross-category transfer effect: Evidence from an event-related potential study | 马庆国, ZHANG Linanzi, 裴冠雄, H"meidatt Abdeljelil | Scientific Reports |
Neurocognitive mechanisms underlying deceptive hazard evaluation: An event-related potentials investigation | FU Huijian, QIU Wenwei, MA Haiying, 马庆国 | PLOS ONE |
Open or closed? Technology sharing, supplier investment, and competition | HU Bin, HU Ming , 杨翼 | Manufacturing and Sevice Operations Management |
Patient Admission Policies in A Neurology Ward | Vedat Verter | Operations Research |
Patient Admission Policies in A Neurology Ward | Samiedaluie S, B. Kucukyazici, Verter Nafiz Vedat | Operations Research |
The authenticity of heritage sites, tourists’ quest for existential authenticity, and destination loyalty | YI Xiaoli, 林珊珊, JIN Wenmin, 罗秋菊 | Journal of Travel Research |
The hazard of teetering at the top and being tied to the bottom: The interactive relationship of power, stability, and social dominance orientation with work stress | Sanne Feenstra, Jennifer Jordan, Frank Walter, 严进, Janka I.Stoker | Applied Psychology-An International Review-Psychologie Appliquee-Revue Internationale |
The order effect on online review helpfulness: A social influence perspective | 周莎莎, 郭斌 | Decision Support Systems |
User segmentation for retention management in online social games | FU Xin, 陈熹, SHI Yu-Tong, Indranil Bose, 蔡舜 | Decision Support Systems |
Who Are the Value and Growth Investors | Sebastien Betermier, Laurent Calvet, Paolo Sodini | Journal of Finance |