

Direct and indirect information system use: A multimethod exploration of social power antecedents in healthcare童昱, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Hock-Hai TeoInformation Systems Research
Sunny, rainy, and cloudy with a chance of mobile promotion effectivenessLI Chenxi, LUO Xueming, ZHANG  Cheng, 王小毅Marketing Science
Dread of uncertain pain: An event-related potential studyHUANG Yujing, SHANG Qian, DAI Shenyi, 马庆国PLOS ONE
Gender difference in spontaneous deception: A hyperscanning study using functional near-infrared spectroscopy张明明, 刘涛, Matthew Pelowski, 禹东川Scientific Reports
Hello handsome! Male"s facial attractiveness gives rise to female"s fairness bias in Ultimatum Game scenarios-An ERP study马庆国, QIAN Da , HU Linfeng, 汪蕾PLOS ONE
Identity reconstruction and post-colonialism王亮, Rob LawAnnals of Tourism Research
Inter-brain network underlying turn-based cooperation and competition: A hyperscanning study using near-infrared spectroscopy刘涛, Godai Saito, LIN Chenhui, Hirofumi SaitoScientific Reports
Invention or incremental improvement? Simulation modeling and empirical testing of firm patenting behavior under performance aspiration郭斌, DING PengDecision Support Systems
Managing retail shelf and backroom inventories when demand depends on the shelf-stock levelXUE Weili, Ozgun Caliskan Demirag, Frank Y.Chen, 杨翼Production and Operations Management
Myopic analysis for multi-echelon inventory systems with batch ordering and nonstationary/time-correlated demands杨翼, YU Yimin, HUANG TingliangProduction and Operations Management
Neural process of the preference cross-category transfer effect: Evidence from an event-related potential study马庆国, ZHANG Linanzi, 裴冠雄, H"meidatt AbdeljelilScientific Reports
Neurocognitive mechanisms underlying deceptive hazard evaluation: An event-related potentials investigationFU Huijian, QIU Wenwei, MA Haiying, 马庆国PLOS ONE
Open or closed? Technology sharing, supplier investment, and competitionHU Bin, HU Ming , 杨翼Manufacturing and Sevice Operations Management
Patient Admission Policies in A Neurology WardVedat VerterOperations Research
Patient Admission Policies in A Neurology WardSamiedaluie S, B. Kucukyazici, Verter Nafiz VedatOperations Research
The authenticity of heritage sites, tourists’ quest for existential authenticity, and destination loyaltyYI Xiaoli, 林珊珊, JIN Wenmin, 罗秋菊Journal of Travel Research
The hazard of teetering at the top and being tied to the bottom: The interactive relationship of power, stability, and social dominance orientation with work stressSanne Feenstra, Jennifer Jordan, Frank Walter, 严进, Janka I.StokerApplied Psychology-An International Review-Psychologie Appliquee-Revue Internationale
The order effect on online review helpfulness: A social influence perspective周莎莎, 郭斌Decision Support Systems
User segmentation for retention management in online social gamesFU Xin, 陈熹, SHI Yu-Tong, Indranil Bose, 蔡舜Decision Support Systems
Who Are the Value and Growth InvestorsSebastien Betermier,  Laurent Calvet, Paolo SodiniJournal of Finance

