

Branch and Price for Chance-Constrained Bin Packing张政, Denton Brian T., XIE XiaolanInforms Journal on Computing
Developing and Testing a Theoretical Path Model of Web Page Impression Formation and Its ConsequenceYE Xuhong, 彭希羡, WANG Xinwei, Teo Hock-HaiInformation Systems Research
Guarantor Financing in a Four-Party Supply Chain Game with Leadership Influence周伟华, LIN Tiantian, CAI Gangshu (George)Production and Operations Management
History‐informed strategy research: The promise of history and historical research methods in advancing strategy scholarshipArgyres, Nicholas S., De Massis, Alfredo, Foss, Nicolai J., Frattini, Federico, Jones, Geoffrey, Silverman, Brian S.Strategic Management Journal
When and Why Saying "Thank You" Is Better Than Saying "Sorry" in Redressing Service Failures: The Role of Self-EsteemYou Yanfen, Yang Xiaojing, 王丽丽, Deng XiaoyanJournal of Marketing
A multiplex view of leadership structure in management teamsSONG Yifan, FANG Yanran, WANG Mo, 施俊琦Personnel Psychology
A risk-averse and buyer-led supply chain under option contract: CVaR minimization and channel coordinationFAN Yinghua,FENG Yi,寿涌毅International Journal of Production Economics
Aspirations and environmental performance feedback: a behavioral perspective for green supply chain management寿涌毅, SHAN Shuo, CHEN Anlan, CHENG Yang, BOER HarryInternational Journal of Operations & Production Management
Assessing cloud computing value in firms through socio-technical determinants刘渊, 董思怡, Wei June, 童昱Information & Management
CEO Values, Firm Long-Term Orientation, and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing FirmsZheng Wei, 沈睿, Zhong Weiguo, Lu JiangyongManagement and Organization Review
Continuous content contribution in virtual community: The role of status-standing on motivational mechanismsDONG Lingfeng, 黄鹂强, HOU Jinghui (Jove), 刘渊Decision Support Systems 
Corporate customer concentration and stock price crash riskMA Xiaofang, 王文明, WU Jiangang, ZHANG WenlanJournal of Banking & Finance
Corporate Social Performance of Family Firms: A Place-Based Perspective in the Context of LayoffsKim Kihun, Haider Zulfiquer Ali, WU Zhenyu, 窦军生Journal of Business Ethics
Covid-19 and the Future of Family Business ResearchDe Massis Alfredo, Rondi EmanuelaJournal of Management Studies
Creating Memorable Experience in Rural Tourism: A Comparison between Domestic and Outbound Tourists叶顺, WEI Wei, WEN Jun, 应天煜, 谭小元Journal of Travel Research
Discrete Semantic Alignment Hashing for Cross-Media Retrieval孔祥维, TAO YaoIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Does Audit Partner Workload Compression Affect Audit Quality?陈俊, 董望, 韩洪灵, ZHOU NanEuropean Accounting Review
Does coworkers" upward mobility affect employees" turnover intention? The roles of perceived employability and prior job similarityHUANG Weize, 王端旭, PI Xin, Hewlin Patricia FaisonINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Does new venture team power hierarchy enhance or impair new venture performance? A contingency perspective谢小云, WEN Feng, 胡琼晶Journal of Business Venturing
Does Virtue Lead to Status? Testing the Moral Virtue Theory of Status AttainmentBAI Feng, HO  Grace Ching Chi, 严进JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
Dual effects of social support seeking in patient-centric online healthcare communities: A longitudinal studyLIU Na, 童昱, Chan Hock ChuanINFORMATION & MANAGEMENT
Examining the effects of social influence in pre-adoption phase and initial post-adoption phase in the healthcare contextLU Zheng, CUI Tingru, 童昱, WANG WenInformation & Management
Helping Yourself before Helping Others: How Sense of Control Promotes Charitable BehaviorsXU Qian, Kwan Canice M. C., 周欣悦Journal of Consumer Psychology
How does the ambidexterity of technological learning routine affect firm innovation performance within industrial clusters? The moderating effects of knowledge attributesGUO Jingjing, 郭斌, ZHOU Jianghua, 吴晓波TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
How to enhance supplier performance in China: interplay of contracts, relational governance and legal development张起元, JIN Jason Lu, YANG DefengInternational Journal of Operations & Production Management
Managing Knowledge Distance: IT-Enabled Inter-Firm Knowledge Capabilities in Collaborative InnovationCui Tingru, 童昱, Teo Hock-Hai, Li JizhenJournal of Management Information Systems
Neural alignment during face-to-face spontaneous deception: Does gender make a difference?Chen, Mei, Zhang, Tingyu, Zhang, Ruqian, Wang, Ning, Yin, Qing, Li, Yangzhuo, Liu, Jieqiong, 刘涛, Li, XianchunHuman Brain Mapping
Operations strategy of cloud-based firms: achieving firm growth in the Big Data era寿涌毅, 赵欣宇, Chen LujieInternational Journal of Operations & Production Management
Optimal inventory control and design refresh selection in managing part obsolescence石臻杨, LIU ShaoxuanEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
Recognizing CEO personality and its impact on business performance: Mining linguistic cues from social mediaWANG Shichao, 陈熹Information & Management
Restrained by resources: The effect of scarcity cues and childhood socioeconomic status (SES) on consumer preference for feasibility王丽丽, You Yanfen, Yang Chun-MingInternational Journal of Research in Marketing
Team knowledge exchange: How and when does transformational leadership have an effect?Burmeister Anne, LI Yixuan, WANG Mo, 施俊琦, JIN YanghuaJournal of Organizational Behavior
The impact of corporate social responsibility on trade credit: Evidence from Chinese small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises寿涌毅, 邵金安, Wang Weijiao, Lai Kee-hungInternational Journal of Production Economics
The impact of supply chain practices and quality management on firm performance: Evidence from China"s small and medium manufacturing enterprises周宏庚, Li LingInternational Journal of Production Economics
Tourists" pro-environmental behaviour in travel destinations: benchmarking the power of social interaction and individual attitudeLI Qiucheng, 吴茂英JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM
Where do banks value corporate social responsibility more? Evidence on the role of national cultureCHEUNG Yan-Leung, TAN Weiqiang, 王文明Journal of Banking & Finance
The impact of conflict on performance: The moderating effects of individual and team agreeablenessWEI Wei, FANG Yanran,LI Jiannan,施俊琦,莫申江心理学报
并购整合中身份凸显性转化以及对离职意愿的影响:多案例研究颜士梅, 张钢管理世界
创业减贫前沿理论研究与未来方向斯晓夫, 严雨姗, 傅颖管理世界
创业研究回顾与展望周冬梅 , 陈雪琳 , 杨俊 , 鲁若愚管理世界
高管团队能通过商业模式创新塑造新企业竞争优势吗?——基于CPSED Ⅱ数据库的实证研究杨俊, 张玉利, 韩炜, 叶文平管理世界
基于物联网的在线智能调度决策方法胡祥培, 李永刚, 孙丽君, 李方方管理世界
来源国劣势与合法化战略——新兴经济企业跨国并购的案例研究魏江, 王丁, 刘洋管理世界
数字创新管理:理论框架与未来研究刘洋, 董久钰, 魏江管理世界
天气和空气污染对诚信行为的影响:一项校园丢钱包的现场实验赵玉杰, GAO Yang, 周欣悦心理学报

