论文标题 | 全部作者 | 期刊 |
Externalization in the platform economy: Social platforms and institutions | CHEN Liang, LI Sali, 魏江, YANG Yang | Journal of International Business Studies |
Shopping as locals: A study of conduit acquisition by multinational enterprises | WANG Shixiang, 魏江, ZHAO Minyuan | Journal of International Business Studies |
Consumer search with anticipated regret | 金庆伟, ZHU Mengyan, 杨翼, LIU Lin | Production and Operations Management |
Demand Pooling in Omnichannel Operations | HU Ming, XU Xiaolin, XUE Weili, 杨翼 | Management Science |
Coordinating Inventory and Pricing Decisions Under Total Minimum Commitment Contracts | GONG Xiting, CHEN Youhua (Frank), 袁泉 | Production and Operations Management |
Developing a composite measure to represent information flows in networks: Evidence from stock market | SHANGGUAN Wuyue, Leung Alvin Chung Man, Agarwal Ashish, Konana Prabhudev, 陈熹 | Information Systems Research |
Distinguishing Homophily from Peer Influence Through Network Representation Learning | 陈熹, LIU Yan, ZHANG Cheng | Informs Journal on Computing |
Time-Inconsistent Preferences and Strategic Self-Control in Digital Content Consumption | ZHANG Shuo, Chan Tat Y., 罗学明, 王小毅 | Marketing Science |
The Good-on-Paper Effect: How the Decision Context Influences Virtuous Behavior | Toure-Tillery Maferima, 王丽丽 | Marketing Science |
Optimization of active surveillance strategies for heterogeneous patients with prostate cancer | 张政, Denton Brian T., Morgan Todd M. | Production and Operations Management |
Rural-Urban Healthcare Access Inequality Challenge: Transformative Roles Of Information Technology | 童昱, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Choon Ling Sia, Yani Shi, Hock-Hai Teo | MIS Quarterly |
Bridge Supervision: Correlates of a Boss on the Far Side of a Structural Hole | Ronald S. Burt, 王颂 | Academy of Management Journal |
Estimating the impact of cloud computing on firm performance: An empirical investigation of listed firms | 陈熹, Guo Ming, Shangguan Wuyue | Information & Management |
Ex-ante Tourism Forecasting Assessment | LIU Anyu, 林珊珊, Li Gang, Song Haiyan | Journal of Travel Research |
Exclusive licensing of university technology: The effects of university prestige, technology transfer offices, and academy-industry collaboration | Shen Huijun, Coreynen Wim, 黄灿 | Research Policy |
How to channel knowledge coproduction behavior in an online community: Combining machine learning and narrative analysis | LIU Jialing, 魏江, 刘洋, Jin Duo | Technological Forecasting and Social Change |
Ideological boundaries of status advantages: Legislative effectiveness in the United States House of Representatives | Collet Francois, Carnabuci Gianluca, Ertug Gokhan, 邹腾剑 | Organization Studies |
Individual investment bankers’ reputation concerns and bond yield spreads: Evidence from China | Huaili Lyu, 王文明, Si Xu, Jingting Zhou | Journal of Banking & Finance |
Inducement human resource practices and employee entrepreneurship: a double-edged sword | YE Qingyan, 王端旭, NIE Kun | The International Journal of Human Resource Management |
Integrating Authenticity, Well-being, and Memorability in Heritage Tourism: A Two-Site Investigation | Yi Xiaoli, Fu Xiaoxiao, 林珊珊, Xiao Honggen | Journal of Travel Research |
Make bricks without straw: Eco-innovation for resource-constrained firms in emerging markets | YING Ying, WANG Shixiang, 刘洋 | Technovation |
Making the unlikely marriage work: The integration process of Chinese strategic asset-seeking acquisitions | 郑秋霞, Noorderhaven Niels, 杜健 | Journal of World Business |
Managing digital piracy under consumer valuation uncertainty: The roles of product demonstrations and antipiracy measures | YI Zelong, 曹仔科, Cheung Ki Ling | Information & Management |
Matching goal-based incentive systems with cross-functional integration to improve operation and innovation performance | 姜玟求, Ki-Hyun, Um., 寿涌毅, Roh, James Jungbae | International Journal of Operations & Production Management |
Meta-modeling of heterogeneous data streams: A dual-network approach for online personalized fault prognostics of equipment | 俞鸿涛, 华中生 | IISE Transactions |
Multiple effects of “distance” on domestic tourism demand: A comparison before and after the emergence of COVID-19 | 林珊珊, Qin Yuan, Li Gang, Jiang Fan | Annals of Tourism Research |
Multiplex social influence in a freemium context: Evidence from online social games | GUO Chenhui, 陈熹, Goes Paulo, ZHANG Cheng | Decision Support Systems |
Privilege or equality? A natural experiment with content monetization in social media | Geng Ruibin, 陈熹 | Information & Management |
Residents" involvement in disaster tourism as a practice: The Case of an Islam destination, Aceh | 谭小元, 应天煜, Mariska, Dini, Liu-Lastres, Bingjie, 叶顺, Kim Hany | Annals of Tourism Research |
Target-based distributionally robust optimization for single machine scheduling | Pei Zhi, Lu Haimin, 金庆伟, Zhang Lianmin | European Journal of Operational Research |
Technology Decomposition and Technology Recombination in Industrial Catch-up for Large Emerging Economies: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Industries | Chen Xiaoling, 郭斌, Guo Jingjing, Li Wen Helena | Management and Organization Review |
The Grid Bootstrap for Continuous Time Models | Lui Yiu Lim, 肖炜麟, Yu Jun | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics |
The Match Between Structural Attributes and Content-Based Orientation of Managerial Cognition: An Exploratory fsQCA Study of ‘Hidden Champions’ | 雷李楠, 付亚男, 吴晓波, 杜健 | Management and Organization Review |
Virtual Reality in Destination Marketing: Telepresence, Social Presence, and Tourists" Visit Intentions | 应天煜, 唐婧怡, 叶顺, 谭小元, WEI Wei | Journal of Travel Research |
What makes a good “guest”: Evidence from Airbnb hosts" reviews | Xue Lan, Leung Xi Y., 马世罕 | Annals of Tourism Research |
“美男诱惑”真的奏效吗:男性代言女性产品对女性消费者产品评价的影响 | 王丽丽, 董梦璐 | 心理学报 |
“增益”还是“损耗”?挑战性工作要求对工作-家庭增益的“双刃剑”影响 | 徐姗, 张昱城, 施俊琦, 袁梦莎, 任迎伟 | 心理学报 |
多元研发模式对企业价值影响动态演进研究——基于光学制造隐形冠军的案例 | 俞彬, 蔡凯星, 钱美芬, 王维安 | 管理世界 |
西方遇到东方:中国管理实践的认知偏狭性与反思 | 魏江, 杨佳铭, 陈光沛 | 管理世界 |
职业污名与离职倾向: 牵连家人污名与家庭卷入的作用 | 季浩, 严进, 国维潇 | 心理学报 |