讲座嘉宾:张丽文 助理教授 澳门大学
讲座主持:吴苏青 特聘副研究员 浙江大学
The Definition and Measurement of Human Capital Resources: A Content and Meta-Analytic Review
Although human capital resources (HCR) can be important for organizational performance, researchers have defined and measured HCR in various ways. Consequently, it is unclear whether existing measures provide valid inferences about HCR or their relations with other constructs. We conducted this three-study research to address these issues. In Study 1, we reviewed HCR definitions (k = 84) and found that most definitions focus on collective knowledge, skills, and abilities. Recent definitions also tend to include other characteristics (e.g., personality). In Study 2, a content analysis of HCR measures (k = 127) revealed that only 23.6% of the measures focused solely on HCR and they tended to assess only one or two dimensions of the construct (i.e., were deficient). Many measures (46.5%) assessed both HCR and other constructs (i.e., were partially contaminated), and other measures (29.9%) assessed only non-HCR constructs (i.e., were fully contaminated). In Study 3 (k = 94), we found that HCR measures that were less deficient demonstrated stronger criterion-related validity for predicting unit and firm performance. Interestingly, partially contaminated measures were somewhat more predictive than uncontaminated measures (ρ = .35 vs. .25, respectively), mainly because they assessed both HCR and other constructs that are related to performance. Both types of measures demonstrated stronger validity than fully contaminated measures. Overall, findings suggest that extant HCR measures often are deficient and/or contaminated. We discuss implications, as well as offer guidance for measuring HCR in future research.
Liwen Zhang is an Assistant Professor at Faculty of Business Administration from University of Macau. She earned a Ph.D. degree in Human Resource and Organizational Behavior from Florida State and a master's degree from Pennsylvania State University. Her research focuses on organizational staffing and human capital resources. In the area of staffing, she is interested in understanding how individuals seek jobs, how organizations attract and select these individuals, and how they perform after being selected. Her second area of interest concerns how human capital resources emerge and how they contribute to organizational performance. So far, her work has been published in quality journals, including Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Human Resources Management Review. Her research also has been mentioned in media outlets, including Harvard Business Review, Sydney Morning Herald, and The Brief.
张丽文,澳门大学工商管理学院助理教授,佛罗里达州立大学人力资源和组织行为学博士。主要研究方向为组织中的人员配置和人力资本资源,包括个人求职行为,组织的招募选拔以及对人才的吸引,员工入职后的绩效表现等;另外关注人力资本资源的涌现和对组织绩效的影响。其研究成果发表在Journal of Applied Psychology、Personnel Psychology和Human Resources Management Review等高水平期刊,研究成果也被哈佛商业评论和悉尼先驱晨报等多家媒体报道。